If we but look into the fact that he died for ALL of Mankinds' SINS
from the beginning of time onto the end of time.
These numbers include every person that has ever lived and shall
live on the earth until Jesus returns.
Think about the World's current population as six billion people/souls and that
does not include the myriad that died from the beginning of time due to:
- Natural deaths - Suicides - Murders -
Human sacrifices - Diseases - Accidents - Natural disasters - Wars - Abortions
It is indeed mind boggling
to attempt in perceiving these numbers and extremely difficult to imagine the extent of suffering our Savior had to endure.
Since He suffered All of our Sins in aggregate/sum including not only the 'Original sin of Adam and Eve', but the individual
Sins each individual performed through their whole lives, until they were 'Born Again'.
Oh what a friend we have in
Jesus to have had to pay for each of our 'Sin Debts' with his Perfect Soul. He paid, because our Imperfect Souls could never pay
the Debt; no matter how many of us were to be sacrificed.
Think of it as we carry the 'Sin Gene', or something like
it from the seed of Adam; IMPERFECT, but Jesus carried the seed of Jehovah God; PERFECTION.
God cannot condone sin
of any sort and our imperfect souls carried the burden of sin from our birth, not to mention those committed by us as we grow
To somewhat summarize; Jesus suffered the product of all the souls that ever lived and shall live multiplied
by the number of sins perpetrated by each of these individuals throughout all time. That would be possibly hundreds of
sins times the Billions of souls. The debt is huge and therefore the wrath of God was huge, yet Jesus took the INTENSE punishment
with his INTENSE LOVE for all mankind.
This level of revelation came to me as I walked with Christ as a Born Again
Christian and continue to seek his Word and knowledge.
H. R. De Chalus 11/03/2005
Prayer Warrior